True colors

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two kids on missions- again.

We just received our second letter from Talon/Elder Pitchforth from the MTC.  He is going to Belgium/Netherlands on his mission and entered the MTC on May 18.  I had a few hard days, when Jim and I came home, adjusting to the solitude.  Even thought Kellie is here, she is gone a lot.  I wonder if other people who were the youngest in a big family do this too.  She is used to constant motion and activity and a quiet night home with her folks, well, it doesn't rank high on her list of fun things to do. And I have to agree with her.  I'd want to be out and about too.

I'm heading off to Utah next week to spend time with Robin after Hyrum has his surgery-spine surgery.  It sounds just as horrible as it is and I want to be there for him and for Robin.

Today I babysat for a lady who has two children.  It was 'interesting' in that the little girl would do things like put her 15 month old baby brothers fingers in her mouth and bite them and as he began to cry, she would say with a smile, patting his cheek, "Don't cry.  It doesn't hurt.  You're ok."  She did a couple other things like this, and it was just weird and unnerving. I had to give her timeouts to get her to leave him alone, as she wouldn't listen to me.  Are sociopaths born or are they made?  And is this anything I can mention to the mom? Can't even begin to think how I might approach it.

SYTYCD didn't record tonight.  Disappointing...


  1. three things: 1. i was ALWAYS gone as a teenager. a night at home with my parents didn't sound fun to me either. 2.sociopaths can be born. we learn that from criminal minds. and yeah, that just sounds weird... 3. i also missed sytycd on wednesday! which was, of course, when they were in salt lake. *sigh* life will go on.

  2. oh my GOSH. If my children are born like that, they won't make it to 5. hahaha. No, they will. But I probably won't make it to 40.

